past art pieces
Imperfection within the Perfect is a photography piece about the notion of how we perceive ourselves and how everyone has their own imperfection and dissatisfaction with themselves. But until you expose those imperfections people wouldn't necessarily notice them and how we deal with those imperfections that makes us who we are. Peoples imperfections makes them unique therefore, they are all perfect.
A piece of site generic theatre, Me and George Hepburn embarked on the pursuit for happiness, bringing a smile to people on a rainy day. Free for everyone to join, Public Silent Disco is a fantastic work of street performance for all ages to enjoy.
Imperfection within the Perfect
Public Silent Disco

Little Things is an exploration on human connection within gay culture, looking at public displays of affection, and the connotations behind it. I interviewed a number of gay men about their opinions on holding and do they feel on display when they are performing this small intimate gesture.
The Little Things